Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I've been very busy getting ready to go visit Ava for Easter.   I made a few things for her that I will share pictures of.   I made an Easter basket cover with her name and two little easter eggs and of course a First Easter bib!   I also made a cute little dress with matching shoes and hat that has her name embroidered on it.  I filled the basket with little non edible goodies, after all Ava is only 3 months old!    The basket is filled with books, stuffed animal, tub toys, a bath puppet, socks, barrettes, headbands, etc.  

And I made a barette/ headband holder for her to hang on her wall.    The barettes clip to the ribbons and the headbands hang on the little hooks on the botom of the frame.  I added a little princess crown with her name on it!

I also made a table runner for Easter for my family room coffee table. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

St Patrick's Day

I am sharing a new project that I made over the weekend - Ava's St Patrick's Day bib.   I am not 100% happy with the way that it came out, but it will have to do.   Note to self
- next time make sure the fabric and thread used contrasts a little more.  It is hard to read the writing on the bib because the colors are too similar.  The bib says, "  'Tis Ava's First St. Patrick's Day".

I also made a table runner for my family room since that table sees a lot of traffic!

Monday, March 4, 2013

They're Off to California

My son is a Marine and he is stationed in California.  His wife and my new granddaughter just left Illinois to be with him so of course I had to send them away with some of my homemade therapy!   I made my daughter in law a hoodie that says "Marine Wife" on it since she couldn't find one here.  She told me she was going to wear it on the plane.

I used Camo fabric for the applique and the dog tags say USMC.

I also made Ava some fun bibs for her to wear!

My Daddy Wears Combat Boots!

My Mommy is a Nurse.

World of Warcraft Lover

The pink is bright hot pink, photo doesn't do it justice!

Thursday, February 28, 2013


As I've said, I have done a lot of dreaming but life kept getting in the way of my doing.   Enter my new granddaughter Ava.   Babies sure have a way of making you slow down and prioritize.    I dusted off my sewing machine and got busy!  This is my first blanket and bib and burpee set that I made for her ....more to come. 


I also made a table runner for my family room coffee table. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

And sew it begins.....

Project one:  Me

We all need something to keep us sane; our own therapy to help us de-stress and unwind.   What I find therapuetic is keeping busy doing the things that I enjoy.  I enjoy sewing, crafting, cooking, gardening, camping and being outdoors.  I am also a dreamer and reader, so unfortunately I can get lost in myself and never find the time to start, let alone finish the projects on my wish list.  I have recently become a Pintrest addict and find my "to do" wish list growing daily!   This blog is my attempt to keep myself doing instead of just dreaming and "pinning".     After all, Everyone Needs a Little Therapy!